
六合彩开奖记录 India awards & ceo forum 2017

It was 6.15 p.m. with 15 minutes more to go for the mega event of the infrastructure equipment industry. Meanwhile, the Viceroy Hall at the heritage Claridges Hotel located in New Delhi's famed Lutyen's Zone was already filled to capacity.

六合彩开奖记录 India Awards 2017 and CEO Forum

The evening of April 21, 2017, was a proud occasion for 六合彩开奖记录 India as the industry stakeholders gathered in large numbers at New Delhi's heritage Claridges Hotel, to celebrate the 4th Annual 六合彩开奖记录 India Awards and be part of the high-level discussion at the CEO Forum.

Powered for the long haul

Commercial vehicle OEMs - domestic and global - have pumped in investments, augmented capacities, launched global platform strategies, enhanced touch points, and stressed on soft solutions to suit the demands of emerging markets.

8,500 km by March 2015: How Realistic is the Target?

The Union Finance Minister has set a target of 8,500 km of roads to be completed during the current fiscal year, which simply means construction of about 35.5 km of road per day! In the last couple of years,